Government Finances and the Economy

Government Finances and the Economy

By Laurel Theresa Bain

The article showed that  Grenada’s fiscal performance for the first six months of 2022 was favorable, as the budget outturn was better than what the Government targeted to achieve. This was due primarily to higher revenue and grants, as total expenditure, particularly capital spending, was higher than targeted. Specifically, for the first six months Government recorded (i) a current account surplus, before budgetary support in ‘grants’, of $118.1M; (ii) a current account surplus, after budgetary support in ‘grants’, of $199.1M; (iii) a primary surplus, after ‘grants’, of $123.9M; (iv) an overall deficit, before ‘grants’, of $51.7M; and (v) an overall surplus, after ‘grants’, of $99.3M.

Budget Alert 2.11 Goverment Finances and The Economy

Government Finances and the Economy

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